last sunday there was a half marathon in berlin. daniela, my roomate was running in it, so i decided to ride my bike to the race and see what a half marathon looks like. i got there just in time for the main race. there where also other races like people riding these wheelchair type contraptions that have pedals for your arms. they were actually the fastest of everyone. they had people roller blading too. by the way, do you know what the hardest thing about roller blading is? tell you later. the main race i found out had over 24000 people running. it was pretty amazing seeing them all whiz by. the first shot is the group of kenyans that won the race. they were way ahead of everybody. the people walking in black were the last in line. a waited for every one to go through the bradenburger gate then rode my bike towards where the race started. this was only 1 and a half km or so (a half marathon is 21km). i stopped to get a curry wurst and by the time i got to the finish line the kenyans had already finished. it took the first guy exactly one hour. the wheelchair racing winner finished in 36minutes and the rollerblader in 38. the last picture was the first guy i saw finish. i did get to see the first woman finish. guess where she was from. Kenya of course. lastly, the roller blading trivia. the hardest part about roller blading is when you finally admit to your dad your gay. how do you like them apples?
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