this are pictures of another lake i found on the northern outskirts of berlin. it's actually very near the tegel airport and very small. really a large pond, but it had some nice beaches. you couldn't go all the way around it though. it was blocked off by police and airport property. there were alot of cool trails on one side of it. seems like you could get lost there were so many connecting trails going everywhere but then you just have to remember you're in berlin and which direction you are from town. this is hard for some people like felipe. he going to tell you all about it on the blog he is going to be starting soon. nothing to really explain about these shots except one of the beach scenes there is a nude guy ( looks just like jack tucker to me. blow it up and see for yourself if you know who that is ) that i didn't know was nude until after i took it. felipe pointed it out to me. i did purposely take a picture of a nude sunbathing girl on another small beach, but you'll have to ask me to see that one personally.
1 comment:
So let me get this straight...You're willing to post male (but not female) pornography on the internet...?
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